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The Emile-Boutmy scholarship - Zona Line News

The Emile-Boutmy scholarship

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Selasa, 10 Desember 2013 - 14:47

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Beasiswa S-1 & S-2 di Prancis :The Emile-Boutmy scholarship

Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy scholarship after the founder of Sciences Po (1871) in order to welcome the very best international students from outside of the European Union. The Emile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements.

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Eligibility requirements

Eligible students are those, first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

Students who are not eligible are:

Swiss and Norwegian applicants, since they may be entitled to CROUS scholarships

Candidates who have dual citizenship, including from a European Union state

Candidates from Quebec (since they may take advantage of sliding scale fees same as European applicants)

Dual-degree candidates (only Chinese applicants to either the Sciences Po/Fudan University or the Sciences Po/Peking University dual degree programme are eligible.)

Ph.D. programme students (thesis)

MPA candidates, since they may apply for the MPA scholarship

Candidates to the Master in Development Practice (

Candidates to the Master Financial Regulation and Risk Management (

Candidates to the Master of Experiments on Arts and Politics (

The Emile Boutmy scholarship may not be supplemented with other scholarship (Eiffel scholarshis, AEFE shcolarship, BGF…)

This scholarship is awarded based on factors of excellence and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria are also taken into account.

This scholarship is not automatically awarded. A request for it must be made in the section designated for the purpose on the application form.

Undergraduate programme: Amount and length of the scholarship

The Emile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:

1. A tuition grant of €7,300 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme, in addition to a grant to cover part of the cost of living of €5000 per year.

2. A tuition grant of €7,300 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

3. A tuition grant of €5,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

4. A tuition grant of €3,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of 19,000€ may be granted to cover the three years of College.

If the scholarship recipients’ academic results are not within the upper half of their year group at the end of the first year,  they will forfeit their right to the scholarship for the second year.

If the scholarship recipient is within the top 10% of his year group at the end of the first year, he will be eligible for a revision of the amount of the scholarship.

If you have been granted for a scholarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship wil be lost.

During the year abroad (third year of the undergraduate programme):

Scholarship recipients who are among the top 50% of students in their year group at the end of their second year will retain their tuition fee grant during their year abroad.

Masters level: Amount and length of the scholarship

The Emile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:

1. A grant of €10,000 per year to cover tuition fees for the two years of the Masters, in addition to a grant to cover part of the cost of living of €6,000 per year.

2. A tuition grant of €10,000 per year for the two years of the Masters.

3. A tuition grant of €5,000 per yearfor the two years of the Masters.

On an exceptional basis, a scholarship of 19,000€ per year, may be granted to cover the two years of the Masters programme.

Scholarship recipients will forfeit their right to the grant if their academic results are not with the top 50% of students within their year group at the end of the first year.

If the scholarship recipient is within the top 10% of his year group at the end of the first year, he will be eligible for a revision of the amount of the scholarship.

If you have been granted for a scholarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship wil be lost.

contact and deadlines

Contact:  Admission contact form (

Deadline for undergraduate programme: 2 May, 2014

Deadline for masters programme: 3 April, 2014

In order to apply to this scholarship you must notify it on your application form, as well as include a proof of income and documents explaining your family situation (e.g. income tax return for both parents, payslips, divorce certificate, unemployement benefits, documents related to alimony, child support or retirement pensions, death certificate….(* Posted: PM PST)

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