Mayor Goes To America, people’s problems are "Overlooked" - Zona Line News

Mayor Goes To America, people’s problems are “Overlooked”

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Rabu, 18 September 2013 - 07:15

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Zonalinenews-Kupang. “A democratic government should be able to overcome the problems faced by people, do not just go abroad to study leadership, but in the other han many issues that have not solved yet by the city government.” as stated by Paul SinLaeloe as the Coordinator of ANTI Corruption Division, Initiatives Development and Advocacy for Society (PIAR) NTT, after being convirmed at the Kupang Mayor office on Tuesday 17 September 2013 at 10.00 morning.


According to Paul, Kupang Municipal Government is currently experiencing a crisis of performance in overcoming the problems in the society. This is evidenced by the absence of a resolution for the
issues include land acquisition for the construction of the dam Kolhua, installation of street lights, the installation of main meter of  city’s water source which is managed by PDAM in Kupang Regency.
“It’s almost half to three semester uner the leadership of Jonas Salean as Kupang Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kupang, Herman Man, but there is none of the problems are already solved. PIAR considered that the completion of the various problems that occurred in the Kupang
city are not perfectly solved. “Said Paul.



Paul asserted that there is a hope from the people for government to find the solution for the problems in Kupang city, but as the fact, the government still do not find the way to overcome the problems. Then the government is reputed as failed government.

Actually PIAR hesitates to Kupang Municipal Government leadership at this time. “How can one lead, while he was just learning to lead us in USA. Moreover, the condition, situation and political issue in USA are not similar to ours. So, how can they solve the problems.” said Paul.(* Hayer)


Indonesian Version


Walikota Ke Amerika, Masalah Rakyat “Terabaikan”

Zonalinenews-Kupang. “Pemerintah yang demokratis harus mampu mengatasi persoalan  rakyat, jangan hanya pergi  ke luar negeri untuk mempelajari kepemimpinan, padahal  banyak persoalan yang belum ditutaskan pemerintah kota.” Demikian yang dikatakan Koordinator devisi ANTI Korupsi, Perkumpulan Pengembangan Insiatif dan Advokasi Rakyat (PIAR) NTT, Paul SinLaeloe kepada wartawan di kantor Walikota Kupang, Selasa 17 september 2013 jam 10.00 Pagi.

Manurut Paul, Pemerintah Kota Kupang saat ini mengalami krisis kinerja dalam penanganan masalah di masyarakat. Hal ini terbukti dengan belum adanya penyelesaian beberapa permasalahan oleh Pemerintah Kota antara lain mengenai pembebasan lahan  untuk pembangunan bendungan Kolhua,
pemasangan lampu jalan, proses pemasangan meteran induk pada sumber air milik Kota yang dikelolah oleh PDAM Kabupaten Kupang.

“Sudah hampir memasuki semester ke tiga masa kepemimpinan Walikota Kupang Jonas Salean dan Wakil Walikota Kupang, Herman Man, namun belum ada suatupun penanganan akan permasalahan rakyat yang sudah dituntaskan. PIAR menilai bahwa penuntasan terhadap berbagai persoalan
yang terjadi di Kota Kupang belum terselasikan secara sempurna.” Kata Paul.

Paul menegaskan bahwa rakyat menginginkan Pemerintah Kota Kupang mampu menyelesaikan persoalan yang ada di Kota Kupang, namun kenyataanya belum juga teselesaikan, maka itu pemerintah dianggap telah gagal.

“Sebenarnya PIAR ragu dengan kepemimpin Pemerintah Kota Kupang saat ini, karena sudah memimpin baru pergi belajar kepemimpinan di Amerika, padahal kondisi, situasai dan persoalan rakyat dan dinamikan politik berbeda dengan Kota kupang,”kata Paul .(*Hayer)

Mayor Goes To America, people’s problems are “Overlooked”

Zonalinenews-Kupang. “A democratic government should be able to overcome the problems faced by people, do not just go abroad to study leadership, but in the other han many issues that have not solved yet by the city government.” as stated by Paul SinLaeloe as the Coordinator of ANTI Corruption Division, Initiatives Development and Advocacy for Society (PIAR) NTT, after being convirmed at the Kupang Mayor office on Tuesday 17 September 2013 at 10.00 morning.

According to Paul, Kupang Municipal Government is currently experiencing a crisis of performance in overcoming the problems in the society. This is evidenced by the absence of a resolution for the
issues include land acquisition for the construction of the dam Kolhua, installation of street lights, the installation of main meter of  city’s water source which is managed by PDAM in Kupang Regency.
“It’s almost half to three semester uner the leadership of Jonas Salean as Kupang Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kupang, Herman Man, but there is none of the problems are already solved. PIAR considered that the completion of the various problems that occurred in the Kupang
city are not perfectly solved. “Said Paul.

Paul asserted that there is a hope from the people for government to find the solution for the problems in Kupang city, but as the fact, the government still do not find the way to overcome the problems. Then the government is reputed as failed government.

Actually PIAR hesitates to Kupang Municipal Government leadership at this time. “How can one lead, while he was just learning to lead us in USA. Moreover, the condition, situation and political issue in USA are not similar to ours. So, how can they solve the problems.” said Paul.(* Hayer)

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