Zonalinenews-Kupang. As many as 60 992 residents of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a user illegal Drugs and narcotics .It is caused, NTT into the transit area for international drugs circulations.Based on the data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), drug users in the province East Nusa Tenggara until 2012 reached 60 992 people.
“This situation is of concern,” said the Head of Division of community empowerment,National Narcotics Agency,Kupang Mr.Richardo Therik to reporters,on Tuesday,4 May, 2013.According to him,the nationally NTT ranks fifth as area of illicit drug trafficking, as it become one of the gates the entry of drugs from the country of Timor Leste.
Therefore,his part will continue to conduct socialization to students in schools that was the target of drug circulation in this region. “The Circulation of drugs such as the iceberg phenomenon on the surface its looks small, but worrying,” he said.
The Location of the target drug trafficking now, he says, is for students in the schools, so that we needed socialization and cooperation to prevent the entry of drugs into the neighborhood school or students. “We will also conduct urine tests for students,” he said. Head of National Narcotics Agency of Kupang,Mrs. Martha Salendang said ,it has conducted outreach and education in schools in the city of Kupang and has had a cadre of anti-drug hundreds of people. “the cadre anti drug has reached over 600 people and they will become ambassadors of National Narcotics Agency” she said. (* Rusnia)
Indoesian Version
NTT Daerah Transit Narkoba Internasional
Zonalinenews- Kupang . Sebanyak 60.992 warga Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) adalah pengguna Narkotika dan Obat terlarang (Narkoba). Hal itu disebabkan, NTT menjadi daerah transit peredaran narkoba Internasional.
Berdasarkan data Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) pengguna narkoba di NTT sampai tahun 2012 lalu mencapai 60.992 orang. “Kondisi ini sudah sangat mengkuatirkan,” kata Kepala Seksi pemberdayaan Masyarakat BNN Kota Kupang, Richardo Therik kepada wartawan, Selasa, 4 Mei 2013.
Bahkan, secara nasional, menurut dia, NTT menempati urutan kelima daerah peredaran gelap narkoba, karena menjadi salah satu gerbang masuknya narkoba dari negara Timor Leste. Karena itu, pihaknya terus melakukan sosialisasi kepada pelajar di sekolah-sekolah yang menjadi sasaran peredaran narkoba di daerah ini. “Peredaran narkoba seperti fenomena gunung es yang dipermukaannya terlihat kecil, namun mengkuatirkan,” katanya.
Lokasi sasaran peredaran narkoba saat ini, katanya, adalah kalangan pelajar di sekolah-sekolah, sehingga dibutuhkan sosialisasi dan kerjasama untuk mencegah masuknya narkoba ke lingkungan sekolah atau pelajar. “Kami juga akan melakukan tes urine bagi pelajar,” katanya.
Kepala BBN Kota Kupang, Martha Salendang mengatakan, pihaknya telah melakukan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan di sejumlah sekolah di Kota kupang dan telah memiliki kader anti narkoba ratusan orang. “Kader anti narkoba sudah mencapai 600 orang lebih dan mereka akan menjadi duta BNN,” katanya.(*Rusnia)