Zonalinenews-Rote. Chairman of the Golkar Party faction Parliament Drs. Also looked handed Ciherang type of rice seed and vegetables to people in the hamlet Puamata, Lidamanu Village, District Central Rote, Rote Ndao, NTT, Monday, July 29, 2013.
Seeds received representatives of the community, Joel Makandolu, Jhon Tulle, and Fernindan Fanggidae. Ciherang rice types have advantages over other types of rice, which is the age of only 116-125 days growing number of productive tillers can be 14-17 rods, and more resistant to pests.

On that occasion also looked said in 2014, set a target villages Lidamanu Rural Infrastructure Development Programme with a grant amounting to Rp250 million which is the result of his fight in the House.
“As Chairman of Golkar’s leading 130 members of the Golkar faction in the House of Representatives, also continued to instruct all members in all commissions to give full attention to the development in the province especially Rote Ndao,” he said at the face to face with people in the village .
Also looked to thank the people who helped select Rote Ndao the legislative elections in 2009 and until now entrusted to General Treasurer and Chairman of the Golkar faction.
According also looked all over their body and soul devoted to the advancement of NTT until he also looked Center office building in Kupang as well as the aspirations of the people of NTT. Even in the near future he will build a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Bolok Village, District of West Kupang, Kupang to meet the electricity needs for the people in mainland East. (* Rusdy)
Indonesian Version
Novanto Beri Bantuan Benih Padi dan Sayur di Rote
Zonalinenews-Rote. Ketua Fraksi Partai Golkar DPR Drs. Setya Novanto menyerahkan bantuan benih padi jenis Ciherang dan sayuran kepada masyarakat di Dusun Puamata, Desa Lidamanu, Kecamatan Rote Tengah, Kabupaten Rote Ndao, NTT, Senin 29 Juli 2013.
Benih diterima perwakilan masyarakat , Joel Makandolu, Jhon Tulle, dan Fernindan Fanggidae. Padi jenis ciherang memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan jenis padi lainnya, yaitu umur tanam hanya 116-125 hari jumlah anakan produktifnya bisa 14-17 batang, dan lebih tahan hama.
Pada kesempatan tersebut Setya Novanto mengatakan pada 2014, Lidamanu ditetapkan menjadi desa sasaran Program Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pedesaan dengan bantuan dana sebesar Rp250 juta yang merupakan hasil perjuangannya di DPR.
“Sebagai Ketua Fraksi Golkar yang memimpin 130 an orang anggota Fraksi Golkar di DPR RI, juga terus memerintahkan semua anggota yang tersebar di semua komisi untuk memberikan perhatian penuh kepada pembangunan di NTT khususnya Rote Ndao,” katanya pada acara tatap muka bersama masyarakat di desa tersebut.
Novanto menyampaikan terima kasih kepada masyarakat Rote Ndao yang turut memilihnya pada Pemilu Legislatif 2009 lalu hingga kini dipercayakan menjadi Bendahara Umum DPP Golkar dan Ketua Fraksi.
Menurut Novanto seluruh jiwa dan raganya dicurahkan untuk kemajuan NTT hingga ia membangun kantor Novanto Center di Kupang yang juga sebagai rumah aspirasi masyarakat NTT. Bahkan dalam waktu dekat ia akan membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) di Desa Bolok, Kecamatan Kupang Barat, Kabupaten Kupang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik bagi masyarakat di daratan Timor. (*Rusdy)