Zonalinenews – Kupang, it had been almost 3 weeks where the residents in the coastal area of Kupang city in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) were surprised by the crocodiles that often manifest themselves in the ocean. This worried the fishermen in Oeba market and made them took
the initiative to capture the crocodile by themselves.

With the simple equipment and a dog as the bait, a fishermen named Marten Dethan with 5 of his friends succeed capturing the crocodile on Saturday 14th September 2013 at 2 .00 pm dawn.
According to Marten Dethan he and his 5 other friends have preparedthe equipment to capture the crocodile since Friday, September 13th,2013 at 5:00 pm. At least, their team work succeed to capture the crocodile with lenght approximately 4 meters and weigh approximately
100 kilo grams. It was captured at the coastal Oeba in Kupang city, and taken to the beach, precisely in the fish shelters at Oeba market at 4:00 in the morning. After capturing the crocodile, it became a
spectacle of the fishermen, traders and people who want to shop in Oeba fish market.
At 9 .00 a.m. the officer from Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) NTT came and brought the crocodile to it’s breeding as a step to rescue it. Mr. Hery as one of the staff of Resot marine nature conservation park, said that the crocodile is a species that must be
protected, and they will bring it to the crocodile breeding places to save these animals. (* Hayer)
Indonesian Version
Buaya 4 Meter Berhasil di Tangkap Nelayan
Zonalinenews – Kupang, Hampir 3 minggu warga pesisir pantai kota Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) digemparkan dengan adanya buaya yang sering menampakkan diri di dalam laut, hal ini membuat cemas para nelayan pesisir pantai pasar oeba kota kupang sehingga timbul inisiatif untuk menangkap buaya tersebut.
Dengan peralatan yang seadanya dan seekor anjing untuk dijadikanumpan buaya ,Nelayan Marten Dethan bersama 5 orang temannya berhasil menangkap buaya tersebut Sabtu 14 september 2013 jam 2 .00 wita dini hari.
Menurut Marten Dethan dirinya bersama 5 teman nelayan telah mempersiapkan peralatan untuk menangkap buaya tersebut sejak Jumat 13 September 2013 pukul 5 sore. Hasil kerja Marten dan tim akhirnya berhasil menangkap buaya yang panjangnya kurang lebih 4 meter dengan berat kurang lebih 100 kilo gram, Buaya ini diringkus di seputaran pesisir pantai Oeba kota kupang, dan di bawa ke pingir pantai tepatnya di Penampungan Ikan Pasar Oeba Kota Kupang jam 4.00 dini hari.
Setelah ditangkap buaya ini menjadi tontonan nelayan, para pedangang serta masyarakat kota kupang yang hendak berbelanja di Pasar ikan Oeba Kota Kupang.
Tepat jam 9 .00 petugas Balai konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) NTT datang dan langsung membawa buaya tersebut ke tempat penangkaran untuk penyelamatan buaya tersebut.
Menurut Hery, salah satu staf Resot konservasi taman wisata alam laut, buaya tersebut adalah satwa yang harus di lindungi, dan pihaknya akan membawa buaya tersebut ke tempat penangkaran guna penyelamatan terhadap satwa ini.(*Hayer)