Zonalinenews-Kupang, 3 political parties which have put the petition for cancellation of the process of Substitution Between time (PAW) for its members.3 Parties each other is concerned national people’s Parties (PPRN), Food Experts Parties, and National Front Parties , This is disclosed the Chairman of Kupang Representatives , Tallendmark David,on Tuesday 3 september 2013.
According to Tallendmar, it has received the letter of effluent from the political parties,related to implementation plans the inauguration process of Substitution Between Time against members of Kupang DPRD . But to do cancellation proceedings against members of the inauguration in the PAW will be constrained, because for The PPRN, there is a dualism of stewardship of the parties .which one of the officer wished two members ., Jhon Isliko and Daniel Bifel remain in the PAW. While the management of the other requesting process P A W both these members should be cancelled.
Tallendmark explains, the cancellation of PAW for both the PPRN members due to changing of the Decree of the Governor of NTT for both parties members, so that the annulment could be done when there is a decision of the Governor and the Interior Ministry.
“For members of DPRD from the Nationa Front Parties and Food Expert Parties, the PAW can be cancelled due process before proposing PAW against its members, already listed in the circular of the Ministry of the Interior which reveals all the PAW for the members who are moved because they are legislative candidate should be stopped until there’s further instructions.
While the two parties that have requested that the proceedings be continued is the PAW for its members the renewal Democratic Parties, on behalf of the Yanlif Tratus Bulu, and Agnes Botha Hayon fromPPD Parties. (* Hayer)
Indonesian Version
3 Parpol Kota Kupang Mengajukan Pembatalan PAW
Zonalinenews-Kupang, 3 Partai Politik yang telah memasukan surat permohonan pembatalan proses Pergantian Antar Waktu (PAW) bagi anggotanya. ke 3 Partai tersebut antara lain, Partai Peduli Rakyat Nasional (PPRN), Partai Pakar Pangan, dan Partai Barisan Nasional, hal itu diungkapkan Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kota Kupang, Tallendmark Daud selasa 3 september 2013.
Menurut Tallendmar, pihaknya sudah menerima surat tembusan dari Partai Politik, terkait rencana pelaksanaan pelantikan proses Pemberhentian Antar Waktu terhadap anggota DPRD Kota Kupang mendatang, Namun untuk melakukan pembatalan proses pelantikan terhadap anggota yang di PAW akan terkendala, sebab untuk Partai PPRN, terdapat dualisme kepengurusan partai yang dimana salah satu pengurus menghendaki agar dua anggotanya yaitu, Jhon Isliko dan Daniel Bifel tetap di PAW. Sedangkan kepengurusan yang lain meminta proses P A W kedua anggota tersebut harus dibatalkan.
Tallendmark menjelaskan , pembatalan PAW bagi kedua anggota PPRN tersebut disebabkan adanya Surat Keputusan pergantian dari Gubernur NTT bagi kedua anggota partai , Sehingga pembatalan pembatalan bisa dilakukan bila ada keputusan Gubernur dan kementerian Dalam Negeri.
“ Untuk anggota DPRD dari Partai Barnas dan Partai Pakar Pangan, proses PAW dapat dibatalkan karena sebelum proses pengusulan PAW terhadap anggotanya, sudah tercantum dalam edaran dari Kementrian Dalam Negeri yang menyatakan semua proses PAW bagi anggota yang pindah partai demi pencalegkan harus dihentikan sampai ada petunjuk lebih lanjut.
Sementara Dua partai yang telah meminta agar proses PAW bagi anggotanya dilanjutkan adalah Partai Demokrasi Pembaruan, atas nama Yanlif Tratus Bulu, dan Partai Persatuan Daerah adalah Agnes Botha Hayon. (*Hayer),