Zonalinenews-Kupang,-Health services in the East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) has not yet reached the standards of services.This can be seen on conditions in rural districts and village in NTT. To achieve standardization of health service to the community,we need for communication and coordination between local governments and The Central Government, in explain by the Health Minister of the Indonesia Republic (RI) Nafsiah Mboy, while opening the National Congress Ties Indonesia Public Health Experts (KONAS IAKMI) XII on Thursday 05 September 2013 10.00 wita Green Pearl Hotel.
According to Nafsiah Mboy to achieve health care community as a national standardization actually being appropriate, but in many areas, especially the rural districts and village not all fulfilled, so this has been a tough task for all parties, not only the Government but the various institutions both private as well as the country is in need of its role.
He added,Head of the Regency or Mayor should deliver the complaint to the Governor of each area as an extension of the hand of the Central Government in the area of related problems that occur in the health services in the districts that did not include the maximum shortage of medical personnel, as well as the completeness of facilities of clinics. She said …(* Ega)
Indonesian Version
Pelayanan Kesehatan di NTT Belum Standart
Zonalinenews-Kupang,-Pelayanan kesehatan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur(NTT)belum mencapai satandarisai pelayanan hal ini terlihat pada keadaan di lingkungan kecamatan dan pedesaan yang ada di NTT. untuk mencapai standarisasi pelayanan kesahatan kepada masyarakat perlu adanya komunikasi dan kordinasi antara Pemerintah daerah dan Pemerintah Pusat jelas Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia(RI) Nafsiah Mboy saat membuka acara Kongres Nasional Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia(KONAS IAKMI)XII Kamis 05 September 2013 jam 10.00 wita di Hotel Green Mutiara jalan Timor Raya Kota Kupang.
Menurut Nafsia Mboy untuk mencapai pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat secara standarisasi nasional sebetulnya sudah sesuai, namun di berbagai daerah khususnya wilayah kecamatan dan pedesaan belum semuanya terjawab, sehingga hal ini menjadi tugas berat untuk semuapihak , tidak hanya pemerintah akan tetapi berbagai lembaga baik swasta maupun negeri sangat di perlukan perannya.
Ia menambahkan, setiap kepala daerah Bupati maupun Walikota harus menyampaikan keluhan setiap daerah kepada gubernur sebagai perpanjangan tangan pemerintah pusat di daerah terkait kendala yang terjadi dalam pelayanan kesehatan didaerah yang tidak maksimal termasuk kekurangan tenaga medis, maupun fasilitas kelengkapan puskesmas.ujarnya…(*Ega)